Blog for Jackie Sue while at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN. UPDATED. This blog now covers her progress after her mini-allo MUD transplant. Her transplant was the first one to be performed by the Mayo Clinic.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Tuesday +13 (11:00 AM)

Jackie's counts continue to move forward! Her RBC (hemoglobin) level has retreated a bit, but that is the last count to recover.

The results are: RBC 8.8 to 8.4. WBC count 1.9 to 2.1. And the hero of the bunch platelets! Platelets 35-50!

The docs were in this AM and they feel Jackie's fevers may be partially due to her antibiotic treatments. They are going to discontinue her Vancomycin. I believe the intent is to take her off all IV antibiotics and use the oral forms of common antibiotics.

I haven't mentioned this, but Jackie retained much of her hair during this process. While it has certainly thinned, it is still very much there.

She continues to still have problems with fluids. With the discontinuance of the IV antibiotics this will help some. They continue to treat her for fluid reduction. Part of her difficulties may be due to imbalances in the electrolytes. As things become more "normal" the electrolytes will return to normal levels.

Until Later....

Bruce and Jackie
From Rochester, MN


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they take her off the IV's, does this mean she can return to the apartment?


2:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep hangin in there!


4:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see the numbers rising! Can't wait to see you.

5:49 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great news!!!!
Dean Sandra& Charlie

6:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are still in our prayers.

8:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doing good Jackie!
Looks like you may not get to wear that cute wig you bought.

9:28 PM


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