Blog for Jackie Sue while at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN. UPDATED. This blog now covers her progress after her mini-allo MUD transplant. Her transplant was the first one to be performed by the Mayo Clinic.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Thursday +85 (Afternoon)

Just a quick note to let everyone know we made it home OK. I was a little slow in updating the blog due to the fact that I haven't re-installed the computer at home. My work computer was hesitant to restart after being idle for 4 months.

The decision to allow Jackie to return home came as a surprise. We had a late appointment with the doctor on Monday. Instead we met with a transplant nurse coordinator. The doctor left instructions with the nurse to release us for a home visit if Jackie's blood counts reached acceptable levels. Her RBC (Hgl) was 10.4. Her WBC count was 2.4. Her platelets were 117. Barring complications she is released until her +100 day tests.

We rushed around to fill prescriptions and gather test kits that will be used in Tulsa for the CMV and Cyclosporine tests. Her blood levels will be tested weekly while at home. Hopefully her levels will remain steady (or increase). If not, she will require more growth factor shots or a return to Rochester.

Once we had the prescriptions gathered we headed for the apartment to finish packing. Jackie had little energy and did her best to help but in the end I had to pack the car and the remainder of the apartment. I finished around 10:00 on Monday night. We departed Rochester at 4:00 AM and arrived in Pryor at 3:00 PM.

Jackie has had a couple of good days. Of course lots of family and friends have been by to visit. Today she has been tired with quite a bit of nausea. All-in-all she seems improved, however.

After 4 months away Chloe (the dog) does not seem to recognize her. Of course there is no way to tell what she is thinking, but she definitely doesn't behave like Jackie's best friend. One has to wonder if the transplant changed the way Jackie smells to the dog. Crazy? Maybe not! Jackie has always had dry, itchy skin. Since the transplant her skin texture has become more normal. It seems to have a little more oil. I'm certain a dog could smell/notice the change. In any case, Chloe seems to be slowly coming around to the fact that Jackie is someone she likes.

I will continue to report every few days on Jackie's condition. Should it change I will update the blog.

Until later...

Bruce and Jackie
From PRYOR!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome Home.
Take good care of yourself and I hope you all had a wonderful Fourth of July.


4:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord, you made it home!!! What a blessing to sleep in your own bed. I miss the daily updates (so does everyone in my office)but no news is good news. We will continue to pray for a complete healing. Enjoy being home. And Bruce, remember to be the "enforcer", its for Jackie's well being.


12:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you got to go home; I am sure Chloe will remember herr "best" friend.
Take care and take it slow.
Sandra and Deano

12:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

After a short visit with Jackie, I can reassure everyone who hasn't seen her yet that she looks good. MUCH slimmer, and a brownette now instead of a blonde, (another reason Chloe might have been puzzled), but all in all surprisingly good, considering all she's had to deal with for the past three months.

Keep up the good work, Jackie. Rest and continue to recuperate. Great to have you home!

1:37 PM


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